
MaximBady Twark twerk iPhone 5S iPhone 5C

Maximbady Touray or simply Bady, Lamin Touray Twerking iPhone 5S iPhone 5C?

Plastination Gunther von Hagens

Gunther von Hagens a controversial German anatomist who invented the technique for preserving biological tissue specimens (plastination) in 1977.
The first exhibition of plastinated bodies was displayed in Japan in 1995
Following years, von Hagens developed the Body Worlds exhibition series which received more than 26 million visitors all over the world

EyeWire A Game that maps the Brain

EyeWire is a game you play to map the 3D structure of neurons. 
By playing it you help contribute to the neuroscience research.
Rather than mapping and entire brain they are only starting with the retina.


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